ZiD Internet prides itself treating our customers right. If you feel we have let you down, or have a complaint to bring forward, here's how.
1st : Call Customer Service
Contact Customer Service at: 1-514-342-4636 or 1-877-659-6505 , extension 236.
Speak to a ZiD agent and explain your concern(s). The agent may be in a position to help you find a solution quickly. Most problems are usually solved promptly at this level.
However, should the agent’s answer(s) or recommendation(s) not meet with your expectations, you can then ask to speak with a supervisor.
If you are not satisfied with the proposed solutions, proceed to next step.
2nd : Talk to a Supervisor
If at this point your problem has not been solved to your satisfaction, we invite you to ask the customer service agent to speak to a supervisor. At any giving time, you may also file your complaint by e-mail to the following address sales@zid.com
Please explain your situation, please make sure to include your account#, your name and a phone# where we can reach you.
If you are still not satisfied, proceed to step 3
3rd: Commission for Complaints for Telecom-Television Services.
The CCTS is an independent agency whose mandate is to resolve complaints of consumers about their telecom and TV services, and complaints of small business customers about their telecom services, free of charge. If you have a complaint about your telephone, wireless, internet or TV service, you must first try to resolve it directly with your service provider. If you have done so and have been unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, CCTS may be able to help you. Visit its website, at www.ccts-cprst.ca, or call toll-free: 1-888-221-1687 for more information.
