Microsoft Outlook 2002


Configuration Steps:

Start Outlook 2002.

When the main Outlook 2002 screen appears, click on the Tools item on the top menu bar (or press ALT-T), then choose/click the E-mail Accounts sub-option (as shown below):

Outlook will bring up a menu asking whether you want to add a new account, or to view/edit any existing accounts. You will need to choose "Add a new e-mail account" as shown in the following image then click "Next".


The next screen will allow you to choose the type of server you are connecting to. Please select "POP3" as shown below, then click "Next".

The next screen labelled "Internet E-mail Settings (POP3)" is the area where you will insert all the settings for your POP3 client. Remember to substitute your settings for as well as your password. Also change the inoming and outgoing mail servers to "MAIL.ZID.COM". Your username should be your email address, without the'"

Make absolutely certain that the box labelled "SPA Authentication" is NOT checked.

BEFORE clicking "Next",click on "Test Account Settings". This will allow you to make sure the information you entered will work with our server. If the test fails, check your settings per step 5 above then repeat the test until it is successful.

When the test finishes successfully, you can click "Next" and you'll be presented with a screen which says "Congratulations!" and you can click "Finish".

Configuration is complete!


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